Delaware Pride is a 501c3 nonprofit organization in the state of Delaware that seeks to promote inclusivity throughout the state for all members of the LGBTQIA+ community, while being mindful of the intersections that make our community diverse and great. Delaware Pride was founded in 1997 under the premise that Delaware needed a space where LGBTQIA+ community members could feel seen, loved, and could be themselves without judgement. Since 1997, Delaware Pride has grown into an organization that holds not only the statewide Pride festival each year, but also focuses on community advocacy and meaningful change through a youth program, speaking engagements, local events, and community building.
Delaware Pride Inc. Past Presidents
Delaware Pride has seen past presidents such as:
Kim Von Wetlin
Jennifer Kutney Soper
Amanda White
Steve Newman
Delaware Pride Inc. Current Executive Board
Zach Workman - President
Aniela Meinhaldt - Vice President
Ashley Meinhaldt - Treasurer
Ron Barisano - Secretary